Non High Rise Buildings Planning Permission Refusal Details - 2015

1 B1/1844/2015 T.S.No.20/5, Block No.27 of Thiruvanmiyur Village at Door No.60/1, Kalki Krishnamoorthy salai(L.B.Road), Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai - 600 041. K.THYAGARAJAN & K.PALANI Regularisation of existing Stilt cum Ground Floor part + 2 Floors Commercial Building for Show room Proposal Violates, FSB, SSB on both sides, RSB, FSI, corridor width, S.A + BL, parking, Driveway & Turning Radius, provisions for PVC & Rain water Harvesting etc. 17.4.15
2 B3/1084/2015 Old Door No.82, New Door No.167, NSC Bose Road and Badrayya Garden Street, Sowcarpet, Chennai-79. in R.S.No.8577/2, Block No.73 of VOC Nagar Village. MASTER N.S.ESHWAR - MINOR GUARDIAN MR.N.S.SURESH AND (ii) N.S.BALAJI Regularisation of existing Ground Floor + 2 Floors + 3rd Floor part shops(Commercial building) Proposal violates FSB, SSB on Eastern side, car parking lot, two wheeler parking, FSI, driveway, aisle width, Turning radius, RWH, special provisions for PH, splay encroachment on road side, submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition, structural stability certificate and other defects.
3 B1/13002/2014 S.No.515/4 part T.S.No.1, Block No.17, Ward E, of Zaminpallavaram Village 6th Main Road, New Colony, Chrompet, Chennai -44. with Pallavaram Municipality. J.SRINISHA, TRUSTEE, SRILAKSHMIAMMAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST Submitted for the construction of Ground Floor + 3 Floors Commercial Building for administrative use to University. Proposal violates , minimum Road width requirements, FSI, parking requirements and Driveway Etc. 5.5.15
4 B3/6950/2015 MKB Nagar, Vysarpadi, Chennai-39. in R.S.No.755pt, Block NO.38 of Perambur Village. M/S,FUSARAM RAJ PUROHIT AND MRS.GANGA DEVI RAJ PUROHIT Regularisation of existing Stilt Floor part + Ground Floor part + 2 Floors + 3rd Floor part office cum Residential building with 5 dwelling units. Existing building violates, FSB, SSB on both sides, RSB, FSI, Car parking, driveway, Turning Radius, RWH, submitted plan does not reflect as on site conditions No partition wall made in the construction and hence correct usage and violation could not be workedout, stilt floor height excess by 0.28m and other defects.
5 B2/7889/2015 Plot No.L1, Dr.Vikran Sarabai Instroniz Estate Thiruvanmiyur Chennai-41. comprised in S.No.19pt of Thiruvanmiyur Village. H.KEWAL CHAND JAIN Regularisation of existing Stilt Floor + 2 Floors + 3rd Floor part Commercial Building(office) The Existing stilt floor + 2 Floors + 3rd Floor part office building violates Landuse, FSB, SSB(both side) RSB, Height of the building stilt floor height Corridor width, Carparking, Two Wheeler parking, Driveway, Aisle width Turning Radius, Slop of ramp, Formed ground level, splay, special provision for P.H. person (Rampm parking, handnail, special wc Rainwater harvesting and other defects. the submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition. 30.6.15
6 B1/7677/2015 Old S.No.151/2A4, T.S.No.93, Block No.14, ward No.I, Selaiyur Village, Door No.151/2A, Govindapillai Street, Selaiyur, Chennai - 73. DR.KARUNANIDHI AND DR.AMUTHA KARUNANIDHI Regularisation of the existing Hospital building Stilt part +Ground floor part +First Floor +Second Floor + Third Floor part. The existing building violates Landuse zoning violations, FSI, SSB on west, SSB on East, RSB, Carparking, T/W parking 3.0m Driveway and 4.0m Turning radious and other defects etc., the submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition. 29.6.2015
7 BC1/13201/2014 Plot No.B140, Old Door No.18, New NO.14, 10th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-83. Old S.No.216pt, T.S.No.36, Block No.70 of Kodambakkam Village. Annapoorna GPA Proposed construction of Basement floor part + Ground Floor part + Stilt Floor part + 3 Floor + 4th Floor part Semi Govt office cum Service apts(16 Dwelling units) Land use compatability. 7.7.2015
8 BC1/17420/2014 Door No.1, Haddows Road IInd Lane, R.S.No.109/2 Block NO.19 of Nungambakkam Village. S.M.Mohamed Yusuf Regularisation of existing building . Already refusal earlier order reiterated BC1/13266/2012 dt. 12.12.12. 10.7.2015
9 B3/7416/2015 Old Door No.123, New Door No.101, NSC Bose Road, Chennai-79. in R.S.No.8485/2, Block NO.72 of VOC Nagar Village. M/S. PRAKASH GOLD PALACE PVT LTD REP BY ITS DIRECTOR MR.PRAKASH CHAND JAIN PP Regularisation of existing GF + FF+SF +3rd Floor part Commercial Building.(Showroom) Existing building violates, FSB, SSB on Western side FSI, Car parking, Two Wheeler parking, driveway turning radius, splay RWH, PH provisions, encroachments, submitted does not reflect as on site condition and other defects. 29.7.2015
10 B3/8058/2015 Door No.32/26, Arumugam Street, George Town Chennai-79. in R.S.No.6592 Block NO.57 of V.O.C. Nagar Village. N.THARAKARAM pp Regularisation of existing GF + 2 Floors+ 3rd Floor part Shop cum Residential Building with 9 dwelling units. Minimum Road width requirements, FSB, FSI, parking requirement, Driveway Aisle width, Turning Radius RWH Road encroachment, 1.00m internal passageg, separate access for Residential and other defects. 05-08-2015
11 B3/9532/2015 Door No.166 to 169, N.S.C. Bose road, George Town, Chennai-79. in R.S.No.10554/1 and 10554/2, Block No.85 of V.O.C.Nagar Village. M/S.SATHRASALA VENKATACHALAM CHETTY ESTATE PP Regularisation of existing Ground floor + 2 Floors Commercial building(Shops) . Existing Building was lock and sealed by Corporation of Chennai, Violations are worked out based on the applications submitted plan FSB, FS, parking Requirements Driveway, Aisele width, Turning Radius, RWH, special provision for PH, 1.00m internal passage, land use violation and other defects. 05-08-2015
12 B3/8213/2015 Plot No.185pt, Door No.22, Shop Street, Venkatapuram, Amabttur, Chennai-53. in Old S.No.626pt and 627pt, T.S.No.60, Block NO.27, Ward No.B of Ambattur Village. Thiru. S.PREM ANANDA RAJA PP Regularisation of existing Ground Floor + 3 Floors Shop commercial Building and Residential Building with one dwelling units. The site under reference lies in Gramanatham, wherein the existing special building is not permissible, FSB, Corridor width FSI, Car parking lot two wheeler parking lot 2.00m driveway/Aisle width 4.00m Turning Radius, 1.00m internal passage RWH, PH Passage, submitted plan not reflect as on site condition and other defects.
13 B2/7880/2015 Plot No.395 & 396, Arul Nagar, Irumbuliyur in S.No.220/2pt of Irumbuliyur Village, with Tamabaram Mpty. ST.JOSEPH HOSPICE FR.RV THOMAS, DIRECTOR CEO LIGHT FOR THE BLIND INDIA PP Regularisation of existing GF +1st Floor +2nd Floor part patient hall & Old age persons at Ground Floor & Staff room at I and II floor part . Land use violations, FSI, FSB, SSB, RSB, Corridor width, car parking & T/W parking Aisle width, for Car, Driveway, Turning Radius, Rain Water storage system, special provision for pc persons with IAF Boundary submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition and other defects. 27-08-2015
14 BC1/2380/2015 Old Door Nos.37,132,133 New Door Nos.72,153 & 70, EVR Periyar Salai, (Poonamallee High Road) Kilpauk, Chennai-10. in R.S.Nos.454/7, 454/8, 457, 458/1, 458/2 Block No.27 of Egmore Village. P.PYARELAL JAIN & M/S.DYNAMIC ASSOCIATES REP BY ITS PARTNER SUNIL P.PITALIYA PP Regularisation of existing GF+FF+IIFloor part shop building. Patta in favour of present owners, doc copies, for 5228.3 UDS not furnished all power doc not submitted existing building violates FSB, SSB(E), SSB(W) RSB, SA, Car parking, TW parking, & Driveway turning Radius, not shown Electrical room Splay, PCP Provisions not provided NOC From CMRL not furnished SSL of drafting errors. 01-09-2015
15 B3/8309/2015 Old Door No.1, New Door No.130 & 131 Govindappa Naicker Street, and Old Door No.7/233 to 15/233 New Door No.170, NSC Bose Road, Chennai-79. in R.S.No.10554/3,4,6 and 10554/7 Block No.85 of VOC Nagar Village. N.S. CHENGALVARAYAN PP Regularisation of existing Ground Floor + 2 Floors +3rd Floor part Commercial Building (Shops) / FSB, SSB(E),FSI, Car parking, Two wheeler parking, Driveway, Aisle width, Turning Radius, 1.00m internal passage RWH, PH provisions , Encroachment submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition and other defects. 08-09-2015
16 B3/13096/2015 Old Door No.171, New Door No.262, purasawalkkam High Road, Kellys, Chennai-10. in R.S.No.3049/14, Block No.49 of Purasawalkkam Village. B.APPU DEVI PP Regularisation of existing Ground Floor + 2 Floors Shop cum Residential Building with 3 dwelling units. FSB, FSI, Car parking, Two Wheeler parking, Encroachment, 1.00m internal passage, RWH, patta infavour of present land owner not furnished and other defects. 08-09-2015
17 B2/12398/2015 Plot No.460,471 & 479, door No.300, MMRD Scheme Road, Viduthalai Nagar Extn Road, Kovilambakkam, Chennai-117. comprised in S.No.70/2A,2B,12, 72/1pt, 74/1A2A,(Doc), S.No.72/1A2, 74/1A,2A2(patta) of Kovilambakkam Village within St.Thomas Mount P.U. J.DURAI, D.PREMA & 2 SONS PP Regularisation of existing Kalyana Mandapam building of GF + 3 Floors. FSI, Carparking, T/W parking, Driveway, Turning Radius, Spl provision, FSB, SSB, RSB, Land use distance between Block, open transformer yard, Rain water Storage system, Security cabin and other defects and also submitted plan does not reflect the site condition. 28-09-2015
18 B2/14044/2015 Plot No.448, 7th South Cross Street, Sree kapaleeswarar Nagar, Neelankarai, Chennai-41. comprised in S.No.91/2Apt, (as per Doc) S.No.91/155(as per patta) of Neelankarai Village, with in Chennai Corporation Limit. P.DEVARAJI PP for the existing Residential Building of GF + 2 Floors + 3 Floors pt with 3 dwelling units. FSI, Plot Coverage, Car parking, Driveway, Turning Radius, Aisle width, Plot extent, Height of the building, Floor violation, FSB, SSB on both side RSB, Rain water storage system, and other defects and also submitted plan does not reflect the site condition. 30-09-2015
19 BC1/3982/2015 T.S.No.4/1, Block No.54 of Old S.No.225pt, 256pt, and 255pt of Virugambakkam Village at Door Nos.D131, 132 & D133, P.V. Rajamannar Salai, & Ponnambalam Salai, K.K.Nagar, Chennai-78. GREEN PEACE CONSTRUCTIONS PVT LTD PP for the proposed additional construction of 4th floor to the existing Stilt + 3 Floors Residential Building with additional 8 dwelling units . FSB, SSB(1), Car parking, all the set back dimensions, boundary shape to the tallied with earlier approved plan, structural stability certificate in the prescribed format, Area calculation, Title to be mentioned correctly, all the OTS to be mentioned in the detailed floor plan. 06-10-2015
20 B3/14312/2015 Old Door No.289, New Door No.138, Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai-1. in R.S.No.4408, Block No.40 of VOC Nagar Village. A. SHABBIR PP Regularisation of existing Ground Floor + Mezzanine Floor + 3 Floors shop, Office and Residential building with 6 dwelling units. Road width, FSB, FSI, RSB, Car parking, Two wheeler parking, driveway, Turning Radius, Transformer room, RWH, 1.00m internal passage balcony encroachment onto the road portion plan does not reflect as on site and other defects. 15-10-2015
21 BC1/12359/2015 Plot Nos 69A, 69B, 70A,70B Door Nos. 6,7,8,9, Madhavan Nair Road, Mahalingapuram, Chennai-34. in T.S.No.622/87, BlockNo.36 of Nungambakkam Village. B.J.ABDUL RAHEEM AND K.P. EASWARAN PP for the proposed construction & Stilt + 4 Floors structurally completed of Stilt + 4 Floors Office cum Residential Building. With 8 dwelling units. One of the ownership name in not in patta & violations of FSI, Landuse, car parking, TW parking, PlP provions Electrical room or open transformer yard, Corridor width, Balcony depth, and drafting errors. 14-10-2015
22 B2/14136/2014 Door.No.2/102, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Karapakkam, Chennai Comprised in S.No.158/1A, and 160A/3B1 of Karapakkam Village within Chennai Corporation K.MANOHARAN PP Existing Group Development of G + 1Floor Theatre/ Bank Building and Stilt + 4Floors Hospital Building. FSB, SSB(North), RSB, Car and T/W parking, Corridor width, Electrical & transformer, Solar system, Special provisions for PC persons, Structures in Set back space & Other defects and the submitted plan does not reflected the site condition. 02/11/2015
23 B3/17854/2015 Door.No.7, Mookar Nallamuthu Street, George Town, Chennai-1. In R.S.No.4865, Block.No.43 of V.O.C Nagar Village. THE GENERAL MANAGER CHENNAI CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE BANL LTD. PP Existing Ground Floor + First Floor Bank Building Violates DR inrespect of minimum road width requirements, FSB, car parking, two wheeler parking, driveway, turning radius, submitted plsn does not reflect as on site condition, structural stability certificate in the prescribed format and patta infavour of applicant not furnished and other defects. 26/11/2015
24 B2/18716/2015 Old Door.No.145, New Door.No.2, Mundakanni Amman Koil Street, Mylapore, Chennai-4. Comprised in Old.S.No.2241, 2242 & 2243, New R.S.No.2034/5, Block.No.41 of Mylapore Village within Chennai Corporation limit. A.VINAYAGAM & 3 OTHERS PP Existing Residential Building of Ground Floor + 3Floors with 5 Dwelling Units. FSI, Road width, FSB, car parking, t/w parking, ramp, rain water storage system, patta & other defects and the submitted plan does not reflected the site condition. 15/12/2015
25 BC1/13715/2015 Plot.No.12, Old.Door.No.1, New.No.6, Sterling Road, 4th Cross Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai-34, bearing R.S.No.547/8, Block.No.32 of Nungambakkam Village A.T.ANSARI PP for the Regularisation of Stilt Floor + 3 Floors Residential Building with 6 Dwelling Units. FSI, set back, FSB, SSB, RSB, Carparking, Driveway, aisle width, gate entry / exit, area detail requires correction, all set backs are not shown perpendicular to the least site boundary in the site plan. 16/12/2015
26 BC1/11856/2015 Door.No.13/7, Smith Road, Royapettah, Chennai in R.S.No.321/23, Block.No.10 of Triplicane Village. M/S.TOPNOTCH INFOTRONIX (INDIA) PVT.LTD. PP for the Proposed Construction of exist + 3Floors Office Building. Road width and Qualifying road width violation. 16/12/2015
27 B3/18015/2015 Door.No.49 & 50, Parameswari Mudali Street, Seven Wells, Chennai - 1. In Old.S.No.6850 & 6892, R.S.No.765 & 762/1 as per document, R.S.No.765 & 762/2, Block.No.9 of V.O.C.Nagar Village. C.RANI PP for the Regularisation of existing GF + Mezzanine Floor + 1 Floor + 2 Floor part Godown cum Office and Residential building with 2 Dwelling units. Road width , Qualifying road width, FSI, FSB, car parking, driveway, lorry parking, two wheeler parking, Lorry parking Driveway,Turning radius, aisle width, RWH provisions, Mezzanine Floor, Height violations and other defects. 21/12/2015