Non High Rise Buildings Planning Permission Refusal Details - 2019

1 BC1/21061/18 Old Door No.42, New Door No.51,Thirumalai Pillai Road/Sarangapani Street,T.Nagar, Chennai comprised in Old S.No.6897 part.T.S.No.6897/1, Block No.108B of T.Nagar Village. Paul Vedamuthu.T PP for the Existing Ground Floor + 3 Floors Commercial building (Bank at GF & Office at 1st to 3rd floor). FSB less by 1.61m, Side Set back less by 1.01m due to Toilet at 3rd floor and 0.48m due to building.Rear Set back and Side Set back (west) less by 3.50m due to toilet. Car Parking less by 7Nos, T/W parking less by 19 Nos. Corridor width less by 0.05m & less by 0.27m. PCP Car parking less by 2 Nos. Driveway less by 0.10m (Required-7.00m, Provided-6.90m.PCP Provision Ramp, lift Toilet, hand rail with Wheel Chair provisions was not provided. Electrical Room or Open Transformer yard not provided as per DR. The height between OHT bottom slab to terrace floor level to be restricted to 1.50m.One of the owners Thiru.Sudhir Andrew Vedamuthu has not signed in plans and PPA forms. Submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition (building dimensions, height of the building, Total height of the building not shown as per actual site condition. Title of plan, area statement, road width, section and elevation not shown correctly. PP1, PP2, CC1 and CC3 in prescribed format not furnished. LS seal with address not affixed in plans. EC for the site under reference for the period from 01.11.2018 to till date not furnished. TSLR for the site under reference duly attested by Revenue officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar not furnished. Copy of death certificate and legal heirship certificated for Christina Raj - Vedamuthu Not furnished. Site dimensions as per site and as per patta to be shown correctly and the difference between those not indicated by hatching in site cum Ground Floor Plan. Street alignment portion Gift deed document No. and date not mentioned in street alignment portion in site cum Ground Floor plan. Name of OHT (3 Nos) not shown in the terrace floor plan. 10-01-2019
2 B3/16029/2018 Door No.13/14, CTH Road, Padi, Chennai-50 in Old S.No.31 part, 32/1 part, 32/2 part, 34/1 part, 34/2 part, 35 part, 37 part, T.S.No.2/3, Block No.12, Ward I, Padi Village. T.Ravindran GPA of Y.Pondurai PP for the Existing GF and Proposed FF and SF Multilevel Carparking. FSB Less by 6.00m. SSB (East) Less by 4.00m. SSB (West) Less by 4.00m RSB Less by 4.00m. Street Alignment less by 6.00m. FMB for road in front of the site is required to confirm correct road width and thereby confirm the street alignment to be provided. Dimension of site in FMB on West is mentioned as 85.10 m but at site dimension is 54.82 m and as per document the dimension is 55.10 m. As MSB building exist on the south Western side, the dimension shown in the TSLR on western side is not correct this needs clarification. The applicant has submitted the PPA in special building division stating that it is an exclusive site away from the MSB site on the eastern side and also he has informed that he has closed the ramp entry gaining access from the MSB site. However at site it is only temporarily closed and without the ramp is shown as for giving access to 2nd Floor from MSB site. Part of the existing building affected in the street alignment portion. Part of the proposed building encroached on the southern side and western side as per the submitted plan. Plan submitted does not reflect as on site condition in respect of Column location, column size distance between column etc. Hence No of car parking and violation if any in respect of Driveway, Aisle width, Turning radius could not confirmed. Further the FSI area calculated may vary. Open transformer yard and Electrical room as per DR not provided. Rain water harvesting not shown. A copy proceeding of special DRO (LA, National Highways) in RC No.15/2005/A/NH/TVR dated 8.3.2006. The 2nd floor parking is not feasible since there is no access available from Ist Floor level as plan is not drawn correctly. Further as section and elevation has not been furnished the height of floor and slope of ramp could not be confirmed. Site plan is to be shown dimension both as per patta and as on site conditions and difference by hatching and indicating the setbacks from least boundary line. As per the document furnished the original extent of site that existed prior to 5.8.1975 was 3.582 Acres subsequently land of extent 56.34 cents (2280 sq.m) was acquired for road widening through proceeding of special DRO (LA, National Highways) in RC No.15/2005/A/NH/TVR dated 8.3.2006 Padi Junction New S.No.34/2B and in R.C.No.16/2005/A/NH/TVR dated 8.3.2006 of extent 96.00sq.m. The extent of site under reference as per Patta is 5533 sq.m(136.7 cents). Hence the details of balance extent of about 157 cents is not known. The site has been unauthorized subdivided from parent extent of 3.52 Acre(more than 1000sq.m). Hence residuary plot details including structures there on evidence by document is required to be furnished to confirm the feasibility of regularization of unauthorized subdivision made. Site Engineer name and qualification to be mentioned in the PP2 and the same is not in format. In GPA there is no specific clause empowering the power holder to ontained Planning Permission from CMDA/ Local body for the site under reference and schedule of property was also not described in the GPA not furnished. The structure is partly steel and partly RCC this is not reflected in the drawing. The structural stability certificate from the structural engineer for the composite structure has not been furnished. The site lies in Industrial use zone wherein exclusive car parking (Commercial purpose) is permissible under special sanction of CMDA. CC1, CC3 to be furnished since construction completed. 11-01-2019
3 BC1/21150/2018 Door No.7/8, Kumarappa street/ Kumarappa Lane, Nungambakkam, Chennai comprised in Old R.S.No.247 part, R.S.No.247/2, 247/3, 247/8 and 247/9, Block No. 25 of Nungambakkam Village. Sithi Rayhana PP for the Existing stilt Floor + 4 Floors Office building Site under reference includes R.S.NO. 247/4 part, hence latest Patta for the R.S.No. 247/4 part to be furnished. FSI excess by 0.639. FSB Less by 1.80 m. on N.W. Less by 0.40 m on S.W. Car Parking, T/W parking Less by 13 Nos, Less by 35 NOs. PCP Car parking Less by 2 Nos. 7.0 m wide driveway, turning radius and aisle width not provided. PCP provision ramp, lift, Toilet, handrail with wheel chair provisions were not provided. Electrical Room or Open Transformer yard not provided as per DR. 1.00 m wide internal passage from Rear to front in Ground Floor directly accessible to road is not provided. 1/3rd area reserved for Solar Photo Voltaic system not provided in the terrace floor plan. Rain water harvesting provisions not provided as per DR. In R.S.No. 247/3 an extent of 1771 sq.ft has been sub divided from the extent of 1 ground. Hence Residuary plot detail for an extent of 1 ground (2400.0 sq.ft) along with residuary plot sketch and documentary evidence not furnished and parent and link document prior to 05.08.1975 for R.S.No.247/8 and 247/9 not furnished. Submitted Plan does not reflect as on site condition. AHU not permissible in Stilt floor. Height between the Tank bottom and Terrace Floor level to be restricted to 1.50 m from 2.30m. Site dimension as per patta and as per site not shown correctly in site plan. Area Statement, Title of Plan, Road width, Terrace floor plan, Section and Elevation not shown correctly. LS not signed in all plans. PP1,PP2, CC1 and CC3 in prescribed format not furnished. Indemnity bond for land acquisition, land reforms and land ceiling in prescribed format not furnished. Transformer at rear side to be removed. Topo plan and Google plan covering 500m radius from the site under reference and also indicating existing activities not furnished to examine the permissibility of office building in MR use zone. 18-01-2019
4 SB/C/01/2019 Plot No.44 part & 45, anbu Nagar 6th street, Anbu Nagar 1st street, Nerkundram, Chennai inOld S.No.355 part, New S.No.355/3A3 of Nerkundram Village. J.Venkatesan & others PP for the existing Stilt Floor Part/Ground Floor Part + 1st Floor + 2nd Floor Part Residential buidling with 7 Dwelling Units. Site Dimension Could not be taken due to boundary not demarcated & the violations of Plot Extent, FSB, SSB (N), SSB (S), RSB, Car parking, TW parking, Splay, Solar, RWH, and drafting errors and letter patta not furnished. 09-02-2019
5 SB/N/0031/2019 Old Door No.18A, New Door No.22 Venkatachala Street, Chennai-600 003 in R.S.No.10330/4, Block No.83 of VOC Nagar Village Mrs. M.Varalakshmi PP for the existing GF + 3 Floors Hardware Strore and Godown (Commercial Building) 1. Minimum Road width Requirement CBR 2 ( 103) 35 (1) (b)A Required 10.00m, Provided 4.10 m ( Less by 5.90m ) 2. Front set back CBR 35 (1) (b)D (1) Required 3.00 m, Provided-Nil, ( Less by 3.00 m ) 3. Internal Passage CBR 35 (1) (b) Expression 2 (v) Required 1.00 m, Provided-Nil (Less by 1.00 m ). 4. FSI Required CBR 35 (1) (b)C Required- 2.00m, Provided.4.8807 ( Excess 2.8807 ) 5. Car parking lot CBR 35 (4) Required.8Nos, Provided-Nil, ( Less by 8 Nos). 6. Two wheeler parking lot CBR 35 (4)Required 8 nos Provided-Nil, (Less by 8 Nos). 7. Violates CBR 33 Annexure XVIII in respect of Land Use where in the Existing Commercial activity is not permissible. 8. Rainwater Harvesting not shown as per CBR 35 (5). 9.Solar Photo Voltaic System in 1/3rd area of Terrace Floor not provided as per CBR 44 (2) . 10. Special provisions for physically challenged persons not provided as per CBR 35 (6) 11. Upper Floor western side Balcony to a width of 0.70 m aerial encroached on the existing road. 12. Existing Building Encroached on to the Eastern side of the common passage to a width of 1.22 m 13.. Minimum Staircase waist slab width of 1.50 m is not available 14. 2 Nos of 3.50 m wide gate with Dwarf wall 7.50 cm Height not provided in the site. 15. Rain water collection sump and sullage water sump not provided in the site. 16.Site plan not shown dimensions both as per patta and as on site conditions and difference by hatching and indicating the setbacks from least boundary line. 17.Existing staircase tread and riser not provided as per CBR. 18.Existing Road width not mentioned in the site plan. 19. Title of the plan is not correct in respect of old door no., New door no, and 20.Area statement mentioned in the plan is not correct. 21.Patta survey Sketch attested by Revenue officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar not furnished. 22.Earlier approved plan not attested by local body officials. 23.Copy of certificate for Registered Developer, Registered Architect, Registered structural Engineer, Registered Geo - Technical Engineer and Registered Constructional Engineer not furnished. 24.Form -B & Form -C not furnished in the prescribed format as per Tamil Nadu Combined Developments Building Rule 2019. 24-02-2019
6 SB/N/0047/2019 S.No.263 of kadapakkam Village. Thiru.M.K.Mohammed Shariff PP for the existing 2 Blocks i.e Block -I Ground Floor + First Floor office Building, Block -2 Ground floor + First Floor Residential Building with 1 dwelling unit 1. Front Setback Rule No.(D) i 4.50M South East corner - Required 4.50 m Provided 3.30 m Violation- Less by 1.20 m 2.Front setback - South west Corner Required Rule No.(D) i 4.50 m Provided- 4.50 m Violation - Less by 0.25 m 3. Plan submitted does not reflect as on site conditions in respect of interconnection between blocks, Structures in setback, Weighbridge and compound wall in the front side. 4.Site plan is to be shown dimensions both as per FMB and as on site conditions and distinguishing the difference by hatching and indicating the setback from least boundary line. 5.Stairways tread width shall be minimum of 0.30m and maximum riser shall be 0.15 m is not available for the eixsting commercial building. 6.Septic tank with upflow filter detailed drawing and its design calculations not furnished. 7.Addition 1 No of 3.50 m wide gate with dwarf wall 7.5 cm height not shown in the site plan. 8. Physically Challenged persons ramp lenght and width not shwon in the floor plan. 9. Section and elevation is not correct. 10. Local Body name not mention in the title of the plan. 11. Area statement mentioned in the plan is not correct. 12. Rain water harvesting not shown as per CBR 2019, 13. Copy of certificate for Registered developer, Registered Architect, Regsitered Structural Engineer,Registered Geotech Engineer, Registered Construction Engineer,not furnished as per CBR 2019. 14. Form B, Form-C not furnished in the precribed format as per CBR 2019. 15. Williness to pay OSR charges not furnished. 16. 1.20m height parapet wall is not available 17. FMB sketch attested by Revenue official not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar not furnished. 18. Form-6,7,8 not furnished. 19. Original copy of legal opinion not furnished. 20. Court fee stamp not affixed. 21. The weigh bridge consturction under progress under site. This need for the same of be classified. 22.Compound wall with 7.0m height not permissible.
7 SB/C/38/2019 Door No.1. Haddows Road, 2nd Lane, Nungambakkam, Chennai comprised in Old R.S.No.1091/1 part, New R.S.No.109/12, Block No.19 of Nugambakkam Village Hameed Abdul Quader And Others PP for the existing building of stilt floor + 4 floors Hotel Building 1.Violations of FSB, SSB(E), SSB(W), RSB, Corridor width, PCP car parking, height of parapet wall, PCP provisions, Electrical room/open transformer, Rain water harvesting provisions, Solar photo voltaic sustem. 2.Patta in favour of present owners not furnished. 3.List of Registered professinals not furnished. 4. Form B & Form C not furnished. 5.Stilt floor level not permissible. 6.Structures not removed in setback space. 7. Plan doesn't reflect site conditions. 8.Total height of building not shown. 9. Area statement, road width and title of plan not shown corrcelty. 22.04.2019
8 SB/C/201/2019 Plot No.286, Natesa Nagar, 2nd Main road, Virugambakkam, Chennai Comprised in Old S.No.73/16, 74/2, T.S.No.69/2, Block No.2 of Sencheri Village with GCC. Sivasubbu PP for the existing building of GF + 2 floors Residential building with single unit . Violations of FSB, SSB(N), Car parking, drive way, Turning Radius and aisle width, RWH, Room & Slab projection in terrace floor and drafting errors. 22.05.2019.
9 PP/INST/N/113/2019 D.No.7, Mettu Street and Village, 1st Street, Sathangadu Village comprised in Old S.No.203 Part, T.S.No.81/2, Block No.24, Ward F of Thiruvottiyur Town. W.G.Kalayanasundaram PP for the existing construction of Ground Floor School Building. 37D(i) FSB Required 6.00m Provided Nil Less by 6.00m due to encroachment in south east corner. 37D(ii) SSB (North) Required 6.00m Provided 1.45m Less by 4.55m. 37D(ii) SSB (South) Required 6.00m Provided 1.23m Less by 4.77m 37D(iii) RSB Required 6.00m Provided Nil Less by 6.00m due to ongoing construction. Annexure IV(13B) Car Parking Required 3Nos Provided Nil Less by 3Nos. The document in favour of applicant is only an unregistered family partition. Hence evidence to prove site as such is existence prior to 05.08.1975 to be furnished if nor Residuary Plot Sketch showing the site under reference and structures their on if any along with supporting document evidences tallying with parent extent to ascertain regularisibility of unauthorized sub division and OSR. Absolute Patta/FMB for the site under reference to be furnished duly attested by the revenue officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar. (as per online patta, ownership is still vested with Tmt. Palaniammal). Site plan is to be drawn showing dimensions both as per patta and as on site conditions, distinguishing the differences shown by hatching and indicating the setbacks from the least boundary line. At site in the south east corner encroachment exist and compounded excluding the portion but parking has been shown in the encroachment portion. This is not acceptable, FSI benefit will not be given for encroachment. If encroachment cannot be evicted the same cannot be shown in the plan. Proposed splay to be shown. Area statement and title of the drawing indicating correct S.No., Ward No, Block No, Village and Proposal to be furnished. CBA benefits is not extended for school building. Hence 6.00m all around has to be shown. Two wheeler and Cycle parking to be serially numbered and shown in the plan. 3Nos of Sump to be shown. The submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition in respect of construction being carried rear side. Hence Plan to be furnished as per site condition. In the site in the vacant place shown in the site plan construction is ongoing. Further there is no demarcation of rear side site boundary. Hence FSI/Setback and parking could not be confirmed. Rainwater Harvesting to be shown in the site plan as per TNCDBR. Minimum staircase with of 1.6m and mid landing not less than 1.60m is not shown in the plan. Each Class Room of artless Two doors and Two windows his not provided as per TNCDBR. Minimum size of class room shall be 6.00mx6.00m was not shown in the plan. Special regulations for physically challenged person to be shown asper TNCDBR Door size of 2.00mx2.10m to be provided. Height of the plinth level should be 0.90m. Height of the Parapet wall required 1.20m provided 1.0m less by 0.20m. Width and length of security room to be mentioned and renamed as watchman booth and the size is 2.5mx2.5m. 1/3 Area of Solar Photo voltaic system to be provided in the Terrace Floor plan as per TNCDBR. Play area to be shown. Special regulations for schools Annexure XV in TNCDBR to be shown in the drawing. Head room to be shown. Overhead tank to be shown in the terrace floor plan. Document flow chat to be furnished. Registration details of Registered Architect are to be notarized and furnished. Owner's Signature and Licensed Surveyor signature to be furnished in the plan. Two-Wheeler parking shown at western side, there is no possible to park two wheeler. Since no access to be provide. 18.07.2019
10 PP/NHRB/C/486/2019 Plot No.45, Valluvar Salai, Ramapuram, Chennai -89 comprised in S.No.49/4A1B, 49/4A1C and 49/4A1D of Ramapuram Village. Tmt.Kaladevi R and Others PP for the existing Stilt+4Floors Residential Building with 23 dwelling units and with depatmental store at 1st floor part (85.12sq.m) PCP Provisions Ramp, Toilet, Lift Staircase etc are not provided. Separate stair case for departmental store not provided. The plan submitted does not reflect actual size condition. Open Transformer is not provided as per CDBR. Title and Area statement not shown correctly. Rain water harvesting detail not provided as per new Combined Development Rule 2019. Solar Photo voltaic system not provided. Section and Elevation not shown correctly. Height of the building and Total height of the building not shown correctly. Stilt height to be shown correctly. Parapet wall 1.2m is not provided. Septic tank details not mentioned in the plan. The present owners not signed in all forms and plan. Abutting road width details not shown correctly. Form B and Form C not furnished as per new Combined Development Rule 2019. Registered Developer, Registered Architect, Registered Engineer, Registered Structural Engineer and Registered Construction Engineer , Registered Geotechnical Engineer Certificate not furnished. Sale deed copy of present owners, and latest Patta in favour of present owners and FMB attested by Revenue officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar are not furnished. 35(1)(b) Setbacks FSB Required 4.50m Provided 3.62m(NW) Less by 0.88m Required Less by 4.50m Provided 2.82(Middle) Less by 1.62m Required 4.50m Provided 3.40m(SW) Less by 1.10m. RSB Required 2.50m Provided 2.14m(NE) Less by 0.36m. Required 2.50m Provided 1.68(Middle) Less by 0.82m Required 2.50m Provided 2.25m(SE) Less by 0.25m. Annexure IV Parking Car Required 18Nos Provided Nil 18 Nos of Car Parking (Required Aisle width not available.) Parking Twowheeler Required 18Nos Provided 4Nos (Less by 15nos.4nos of TW parking shown in the plan are not feasible due to Gen set provide in that space. Annexure IV Driveway Required 3.0m Provided Nil (Less by 3.0m due to Open transformer yard). Annexure IV Turning Radius Required Sufficient Provided Not available (Sufficient Turning Radius not avialable). Annexure XXII PCP Car Parking Required 1Nos Provided Nil (Not provided). 25.08.2019
11 PP/NHRB/C/500/2019 Old No.6,New No.11, No.3, Vasan(Wason) Street, T.Nagar Chennai -17 comprised in Paimash No.1000Part Old S.No.27, T.S.No.7636/1, Block No.119 of T.Nagar Village. Rekha Suresh Kumar PP for the exising Ground Floor Part (office)/Stilt Floor Part(parking)+1st Floor(office)+2nd+3rd+4th Floor Part (single dwelling unit) commercial cum residential building with single dwelling unit. PCP Provisions Ramp, Toilet, Lift Staircase etc are not provided. Title and Area statement not shown correctly. Rain water harvesting detail not provided asper new Combined Development Rule 2019. Solar Photo voltaic system not provided. Section and Elevation not shown correctly. Height of the building and Total height of the building not shown correctly. Abutting Road width details not shown correctly. Form B and Form C not furnished as per new Combined Development Rule 2019. Registered Developer, Registered Architect, Registered Engineer, Registered Structural Engineer and Registered Construction Engineer , Registered Geotechnical Engineer Certificate not furnished. Genset & Room below the OHT in the terrace floor not permissible. R33 Annexure XVIII Landuse Required Residential Provided Commercial - Existing Commercial (office) activity is not permissible since the abutting road width is less than 10.0m (9.0m) 35(1)(b) Setbacks FSB Required 3.00m Provided 2.8(NE)Less by 0.20m FSB Required 3.00m Provided 2.50m(NW) Less by 0.50m SSB(East) Required 2.50m Provided 1.70m (NE) Less by 0.80m Required 2.50m Provided 1.55m(SE) Less by 0.95m. SSB (West) Required 2.50m Provided 1.85m(SW) Less by 0.65m Required 2.50m Provided 2.10m (NW) Less by 0.95m RSB Required 2.50m Provided 1.60m (SW) Less by 1.44m Required 2.50m Provided 1.20m (SE) Less by 1.30m Annexure IV Parking Cars Required 5Nos,Provided Feasible 3Nos less by 2Nos. Annexure IV Driveway Required 3.00m ProvidedNil Less by 3.00m. Annexuer IV Turning Radius Required 4.00m Provided Nil Less by 4.00m Annexure XXII PCP Car Parking Required Car 1Nos Provided Nil Not Provided. 05.08.2019
12 PP/NHRB/S(B1)/537/2019 Plot No.18, Muthukrishnan Road, Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, Chennai -42 In Old S.No.317/1A1A1A1A, T.S.No.1/99, Block No.189 of Velachery Village. M/s Guince Liveras Properties LLP Rep by its Partner Thiru.G.Bharathi GPA for 1.S.Ponnuswamy and 2.Jayajothi alias G.J.Jothi Revised PP for the existing Stilt Floor+3Floor Residential Building with 12 dwelling units. 35(1)(b)D(ii) in table SSB(E) Required 2.50m Provided 1.83m Less by 0.67m. 35(1)(b)D(ii) in table SSB(w) Required 2.50m Provided Less by 0.53m On perusal of EC furnished by the applicant form 01.01.2017 to 25.10.2018 it is observed that the sale deeds were excuted to variou owners and hence copy of all documents, Upto date EC and latest patta including all owner (land and flat) to be furnished. The application form and plans to be signed by all land/flat owners. FMB Sketch attested by the Revenue Officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar to be furnished. Site is raised 0.60mfrom road level and hence gradual slope as per TNCDBR to be shown. Revised legal opinion form Government Pleader indicating all UDS documents and ownership rights of flat owners. Form-B and Form-C as per TNCDBR to be furnished. As on site condition plan to be furnished. Setbacks form upper floor projection to be shown in the site plan. Actual road width, building height and stilt height from beam bottom as per inspcetion observation to be shown. Gate width to be shown. Rain water harvesting as per TNCDBR to be shown. Main title and area statement needs correction. Head room dimension to be shown. Sullage sump/OHT to be deleted. Registered Developer Certificate to be furnished. 22.08.2019
13 PP/NHRB/N/702/2019 D.No.34/1C Part, 1Part, 34/2 and 34/11, Rajaji Street and Melpatti Ponnappa Street, Perambur, Chennai -39 comprised in Old S.No.784/6 Part, R.S.No.784/278, 784/327 and 784/486, Block No.44 of Perambur Village. M.Gurusamy The existing Ground Floor (Clinic Hospital) + 2Floors (Residence) with 2 dwelling units. 35(1)(B) FSB Required 4.50m Provided Nil Less by 4.50m due to exisiting structure and street alignment portion. 35(1)B FSI Required 2.00 Provided 3.10 Excess by 1.10 35(4) Annexure IV Car Parking Requried 4Nos Provided Nil Less by 4Nos 35(4) Annexure IV Two Wheeler Required 2Nos Provided Nil Less by 2Nos. The street alignment of Melpatti Ponnappan Street is 24.00m but as on site the width of the road varying 13.60m to 16.50m. Hence the required street alingment of 5.20m at one end to 3.75m on other end to be left and same to be gifted. The required street alingment portion falls in the existing structure. Submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition in respect of size of the building, cantilever exist to the Rajaji Street. The extent of violations may vary. Residuary Plot details with supporting document evidences not furnished ascertain regularisibility of Unauthorized sub division. Site plan not shown dimension both as per Patta and as on site conditions and distinguishing the difference by hatching and indicating the setbacks from least boundary line. Correct road width not shown in site plan. Height of the building not mentioned correctly in elevation and cross section. Height of parapet wall not shown correctly. Rain water Harvesting not shown in the site plan. Column size and spacing between column not shown correctly in site plan. Area statement and title of the plan requires correction. Form-B, Form-C are not furnished with all details in the prescribed format. Copy of Registered Architect not furnished. Rear side FMB for the site under reference not furnished duly attested by Revenue Officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar. Reconstitution deed not furnished. Legal Opinion in original from Government Pleader not furnished. Phot not affixed in Form-B. 26.09.2019
14 PP/NHRB/N/601/2019 D.No.1A/1 and 1A/5, Plot No.1A/4 and 1A/5(NP), Comprised in Old S.No.158 Part and 174/2A, 1A4, 1A5, New T.S.No.24( as per patta) Ward -B, Block No.37, Ambathur Industrial Estate, 2nd Cross Main Road of Ambathur Village. M/s Century Wood Ltd, Rep by V.Rani Srinivasan The existing GF+FF (Part) Indian Public School and SF (Part) (usage not known) along with Indoor Games , Ongoing construction of Swimming Pool, Kitchen anexed with building, Security room sloped Tin Street roofing. 34(1) (b) FSB Required 6.00m Provided Nil Less by 6.00m due to structure of security room Genset, Panel Room. 35(1) (b) RSB Required 6.00m Provided Nil Less by 6.00m due to Toilet and Column connected with Shed. 35(4) Annexure IV Car Parking Required 55Nos Provided Less by 15Nos 35(4) Annexure IV Two Wheeler Required 217 Nos Provided 182Nos Less by 35 Nos. The site under reference lies in Industrial zone wherein the existing school building is not permissible since the plot was allotted by Tamil Nadu Small Industries for Inustrial Purpose. NOC from SIDCO not furnished. Submitted plan does not reflect as on site condition in respect of building size shape, structure and usage stadiu hence the calculation of the permissibility land use, FSI, Parking, Setback, Height of the building, usage and other planning parameter may vary. As per the submitted plan the usage of the building is office however as on site school is functioning, ongoing construction Swimming Pool and others work progress in 3 Nos shed connected with School Building. Approved Demolition Plan not furnished since the structure exist as on site. It is not known whether existing building is demolished and constructed newly for commercial purpose or it is a conversion of existing building to commercial purpose. However in industrial plot commercial activity is not permissible. Site plan not shon dimensions both as per patta and as on site conditions and distinguishing the diffrence by hatching and indicating the setbacks from least boundary line. Correct road width not mentioned. Elevation, section and floor plan not furnished. Area Statement and Title of the plan requires correction. Special requlations for Physically Challenged persons not shown as per TNCDBR. 3Nos of OHT not Provided in the Terrace floor plan. Electrical Room not provided since the floor area is more than 900 sq.m. 1/3 Area for solar photovoltaic system not provided in the terrace floor plan. Rain water Harvesting not shown in the site plan as per TNCDBR. Copy of layout duly attested by concerned officials not furnished to ascertain the OSR. 10.10.2019
15 PP/NHRB/N/790/2019 Plot No.A/58, D.No.25, Central Street, Kilpauk Garden Colony, Chennai -10 comprised in RS.No.82/1 Part as per Document, S.No.81/122 as per Patta, Block No.7 of Egmore Village. Mrs.Mary John PP for the existing Stilt+2Floors+3rd Floor Part with 1 dwelling unit. Submitted plan does not reflect as on site conditions in respect of dimension of the building, structures in setback, difference in level of the floor, height of the building. Hence the PPA cannot be processed and violation with respect to the planning parameter namely setback, FSI and other Planning Parameter could not confirmed. Submitted plan does not reflect as on site conditions in respect of building size, shape, column position and size. Hence the computation of planning parameters may vary. Site plan not shown dimensions both as per patta and as on site conditions and distinguishing the difference by hatching and indicating the setbacks from least boundary line. Setback not shown form upper floor projection. Building breakup measurements and over all measurements not shown in all floor plans. Staircase not shown correctly in terrace floor plan. 3Nos of sump, OHT not shown in the site plan and detailed drawing. Septic tank detailed drawing not deleted. Owner not signed in plann copies. Entry and exit gate with dimension not shown in site plan. Correct road width not mentioned in site plan. Rain water harvesting not shown as per TNCDBR. Area statement and Title of the plan requires correction. Section and Elevation requires correction. Total height and building height not shown in section/elevation. Patta and FMB in favour of present land owner not furnished duly attested by Revenue Officials not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar. Copy of approved plan not furnished duly attested by GCC officials. Solar Photo Voltaic system in 1/3rd area of Terrace floor not provided as per TNCDBR. 35(1)(B) FSB Required 3.00m Provided NIL Violations Due to existing RCC Structures. 35(1)(b) SSB Required 1.50m Provided Nil Violations Nil due to existing RCC Structures. 35(4) Annexure IV Car Parking Required 9Nos Provided 2Nos Violations Less by 7Nos due to non avialability of drive way and not feasible to park as per site condition 10.10.2019
16 PP/INST/N/185/2019 Old S.No.122/6, T.S.No.106, Block No.20, Ward A of Oragadam Village. N.R.Dhanapalan, President M.S.Anna Anadai Illam. PP for the regularisation of existing Block-1 for Ground Floor+2Floors Orphanage Building, Block-2-Ground Floor Kitchen and Dining, Block-3- Ground Floor Tailoring Unit, Block-4-Ground Floor workers Shed and Block-5-Existing Basement Floor+Ground Floor+2Floors and Proposed addtional construction of 3rd Floor(Part) International School Building and Existing Swimming Pool lies in the lease land. 1. FSB on southern side 37D(i) Required 6.00m Available Nil Less by 6.00m due to construction of Tiled proof building. 2. SSB (W) Existing Orphange Building 17D(ii) Required 6.00m Available 3.70m Less by 2.30m. SSB (W) Existing Schoool Building 37D(ii) Required 6.00mAvailable 3.45m Less by 2.55m. 4. SSB(E) Existing School Building 37D(ii) 37D(ii) Required 6.00m Availabel 3.40m Less by 2.60m. 5. SSB (E) Existing Canteen Building 37D(ii) Required 6.00m Available 3.40m Less by 2.60m. 6. Corridor Width 37 H Required 2.0m available 1.95m less by 0.05m 7. Swimming Pool Alround 6.0m not available. 8.Additional 7 Nos car parking and 198 Nos cycle parking lot not shown in plan. 9. 1.50 m wide drive way not available for Two Wheeler parking. 10. Latest TSLR in favour of present of lan owners attested by Revenue Officials not below the rank the Deputy Tahsildar has not been furnished. 11. Copy of Old FMB for S.No.122 marking the size has not been furnished to confirm the land use. 12. Site plan showing proposed construction / existing structures / structures to be demolished in proper legend not furnished. 13. The LT line passing in the front and rear of the site has to be shifted and evidence for shifting has not been furnished. 14. Title of the plan needs correction. 15. The habitable usage in Basement floor of Scholl building is not permissible. 16. Approved demolition plan for the building to be demolished has not been furnished. 17. NOC for swimming Pool from competent authority not furnished and detailed plan for swimming pool not furnished to condirm whether it is as per the norms mentioned in Swimming Pool as per CBR2019. 18.Though, as per assignment order, the proposal is for Balavadi School,but now as International School is being run, the School building has to adhere to Sampath Committee recommendation as mentioned above. 19. Dimension of the site both as per site condition and as per FMB hatching the difference and showing the setback from minimum dimension line has not been furnished. 20.Splay not provided satisfying CBR. 21. 5.15 m X2.10m Security Room is not permissible in the Setback on west side. 22. Gate at splay is not acceptable. 23. The width of road as per site condition not mentionied correctly in the site plan. 24. Dwarf wall at gate and rainwater harvesting as per CBR not shown. 25. Area statement needs correction. 26. More than 2Nosof gate is not permissible. 27. Existing compound wall in between the International School building and the Orphanage building is not permissible. 28. Setbacks not shown at all crucial points perpendicular to the site boundary. 29. Special regulations for Physically Challenged person not provided in the Existing/Proposed building. 30. Lift access shown in the terrace floor is not permissible. 31. Coloumn provisions shown in the open terrace in Health Centre and open terrace in School building in not permissible. 32. Board resolution copy not furnished empowering to sign the PPA form and plans. 33. Form-B & Form-C not furnished as per revised format. 34. Copy of certificate for Registered Geo-Technical Engineer and Registered Construction Engineer not furnished as per CBR 2019. 35. Rain water harvesting not shown as per CBR 35(5) Annexure XXII drawing 3A. 36. Detailed drawing not furnished for all the structures in the setback space. 37. The existing staircase waist slab width of 1.60m is not avialable. 38. Two number of 2.00m X 2.10m door in each class room is not availale. 39. The school site have not opening direct to the State Highway with heavy vehicular traffic. 40. Minimum class room size of 6.00m is not available. 5.11.2019
17 PP/NHRB/N/710/2019 R.S.No.3101/1, New R.S.No.3101/23, Block No.50 of Purasawakkam Village. Mr.Praveen Kumar Jain & 5 Others PP for the application is for the proposed construction of residential building Stilt Floor+3Floors with 3 dwelling units. 1. Violates found set back (less by 0.63m due to balcony project & Duct). 2. Area statement requires correction. 3. Title of plan requires correction. 4. Rain water harvesting not shown as per TNCDBR2019. 5. Correct road measurement shown on both side in site plan not correct. 6. Duct portion to be deleted in plan. 25.09.2019

Last updated on 02.12.2019