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The Government of Tamil Nadu has constituted Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) in 1974 statutorily under the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 . Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) extends over 1189 and comprises of Chennai Corporation , 8 Municipalities , 11 Town Panchayats and 179 villages covered in 10 Panchayats Unions

Click here to see the constituent of Local Bodies within CMA

One of the main functions of CMDA is to prepare Master Plan for the Chennai Metropolitan Planning area with contents as provided in the Act.  The Master Plan for CMA was consented by the Government in G.O.Ms No.1313 RD &LA Dept. dated 1.8.1975.  and it was notified in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette on 5.8.1975. The Development Control rules under First Master Plan was in force since then.  Final sanction for the First Master Plan was accorded by the Government in G.O. Ms.No.2395, RD & LA department dated 4.12.1976.

In super session of First Master Plan, the Second Master Plan for CMA was approved in G.O.Ms.No.190, H&UD dt.2.9.08 and was notified in the Tamil Nadu Govt. Gazette on the same day.The Second Master Plan for CMA is in force since 2.9.08.Revised land use plan and Development Regulations forms part of the Second Master Plan.

A copy of the Second Master Plan report(3 volumes) both in English and Tamil are available for public view in this Website.

This is the official Website of Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority(CMDA), a Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of Tamilnadu under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Department. Website hosted by National Informatics Centre, Chennai