Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority has jurisdiction over the Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) covering 1189 which includes Chennai City Corporation, 16 Municipalities, 20 Town Panchayats, 214 Villages in 10 Panchayat Unions and 2 Cantonments.

Area Plans Unit in CMDA performs the statutory functions of Regulation of development.

The following are the important works attended to in the Area Plans Unit:

  1. Issueof Planning Permissions.
  2. Approvalof sub-divisions and Layouts.
  3. Land use rezoning(Reclassification).
  4. Consultancy and Counseling.
  5. Review of performance ofLocal Bodies in disposing planning permission applications and by conducting review programs; follow up on the delegation of power given to the local bodies.
  6. Processing and furnishing remarks on appeals to Government against CMDA’s refusal of Planning Permission.
  7. Enforcementof Development Control / Regulations by taking action against deviated/unauthorized developments.

Following are the functional wings of Area Plans Unit:

ReclassificationChannel deals with the proposals seeking reclassification of land use Zones designated in the Master Plan/ Detailed Development Plans.

Review Team and Appeal channel deals the inspection of the Local Bodies in CMA toreview and advise the local bodies in the matters of disposal of Planning Permission under the power delegated by CMDA. It also processes and furnishes remarks to the Government on the appealsmade against the orders passed by CMDA and local bodies on the Planning Permission applications.