Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) was constituted as an ad-hoc body in 1972 and become statutory body in 1974 vide the Tamil Nadu Townand Country Planning Act 1971. It was established under the sub-section 1 of the section 9 –A (2) of the Act and consisting of the following members:
1. | Hon’ble Minister for Housing and Urban Development | Chairman |
2. | Vice- Chairman, CMDA | Vice Chairman |
3. | Member-Secretary, CMDA | Member |
4. | Secretary to Government H&UD | Member |
5. | Secretary to Government, Finance Dept. | Member |
6. | Secretary to Government, Industries Dept. | Member |
7. | Secretary to Government, Transport Dept. | Member |
8. | Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai | Member |
9. | Managing Director CMWSS Board | Member |
10. | Director , Town & Country Planning | Member |
11. | Chief Urban Planner , CMDA | Member |
12. | Chief Engineer, Highways & Rural Works Department | Member |
13. | Chief Architect to Government | Member |
14. | Joint Director, Town & Country Planning | Member |
15. | Chairman, Tamilnadu Housing Board | Member |
16. | Chairman, Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board | Member |
17. | Member of the State Legislative Assembly | 2 Members |
18. | Representatives of Local Bodies in CMA | 4 Members |
19. | Member-Secretary Tamil nadu Pollution Control Board | Special Invitee |
The functions of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority are :
To carry out a survey of the Chennai Metropolitan planning area and prepare reports on the surveys so carried out.
To prepare a Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan or New Town developmentPlan as the case may be for the Chennai Metropolitan planning Area.
To prepare an existing land use map and such other maps as may be necessary for the purpose of preparingany development plan.
To cause to be carried out such works as are contemplated in any developmentplan.
To designate the whole of Chennai Metropolitanplanning area or any part thereof with in its jurisdiction as a new town and toperform the following function viz.
To prepare a New Town development plan for the area concerned , and
To secure the laying out and development of the new town in accordance with the New Town development plan.
To perform such other functionsas may be entrusted to it by the Government.
The Chennai Metropolitan DevelopmentAuthority may by order, entrust to any local authority or other Authority asmay be specified in such order, the work of execution any development planprepared by it.
The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority may by order, authorize any local authority or other authority as may be specified in such order , toexercise any of the power vested in byor under the Town and Country PlanningAct -1971 and may in like manner withdraw such authority and the exercise of any power delegated in this behalf shall be subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be specified in such order.
List of local bodies covered under the CMA areChennaiCorporation,16 Municipalities,20 Town Panchayatsand214 villagescovered in 10 Panchayats Unions
The vision of Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority is to provide people friendly administration in the process of ensuring better quality of life inChennai Metropolitan Area through environmentally sustainable, economicallyprogressive, technologically innovative management policies and programs.